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Welcome to the Maggie Ellis Community!

A Creative Blog: Navigate self-reflection, mindset and creativity through journaling and the love of paper

My name is Sarah Schmolke and I have created something special with Maggie Ellis. It has been years in the making, deriving from my grandparents and my love for all things paper. I've got a 1912 C&P letterpress in my garage, a degree in graphic design, and a head full of wild ideas!

The Name My grandparents, John Ellis and Margarete Alice White graciously guided me through my primary years. I spent heaps of time with them unknowingly learning my core values; honesty, patience, compassion, and creativity. They allowed my imagination to run free while supporting every project I could dream up. I tried things across the spectrum; from domestic projects like baking cakes, making popcorn balls, or sewing a mountain of hair scrunchies, to more adventurous things like fishing at the lake, learning to drive a stick shift, or making napkin holders out in the woodshop. Looking back I have to laugh - how did I not drive them mad? The amount of patience they had was incredible. So taking their initials, M- from Maggie and E- from Ellis, I get "me".

“If you don't like something, CHANGE IT, if you can't change it, CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE.” - Maya Angelou

The Community

If you do not like something, change it. I have lived with that mindset my entire life. I have always recognized life being about choices and making positive decisions for the outcome of happiness. So the above quote from Maya Angelou speaks volumes to me personally. When you are consumed with a job that you are not happy with, sell everything and go back to school (true story). Right after college, things happened that left me feeling betrayed, lost, and out of place; I booked a flight to London, got a student work visa and spent the year abroad. A year of living with the basics, working in a pub, and enjoying the self-discovery journey. I traveled every chance I got, submerged myself in libraries and museums, and tried to broaden my horizons seeing what the world had to offer. Life is too short to live in a state of unhappiness. It is up to each individual to shift their mindset, overcome fear and take the necessary steps to discover the greatness that lies within you. #Journaling is my savior. It has relieved stress, inspired creativity, helped me set and achieve goals, and so much more! Since COVID and being in quarantine, my love for journaling is revived and at an all time high. I have used journaling to enhance my well being, shed negativity and inspire my own creativity. Implementing a simple mindset shift, has allowed me to incorporate journaling as part of my morning routine. I get up earlier, love myself a little more and take the time to find my voice; nourishing it and enjoying the journey as I discover what I want out of life.

Journaling & My Love of Paper

Over the years journaling has been a significant part of my life. What I love most, is that everyone can do it. Make your journal as creative or as simple as you wish. Type it or write it. There is a wide array of journaling types; find the one, or combination that best suits you. (#traditional, #bullet journaling, #spiritual journaling, #sketching, etc.)

"Make your journal as creative or simple as your wish."

Maggie Ellis is a creative site that will bring all of these elements together. Building our community, sharing inspiration and creativity. You might see digital downloads or tools, tutorials on calligraphy or creative projects, journaling prompts, and eventually fun paper products.

Get Inspired

I love to create and deliver products to make your days go a little smoother. Visit for more information.

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